Comment TODO Analyzer is a .NET analyzer for C#, it ensires that all TODO comments in your code respect the same standards.


These option can be setup inside the .editorconfig:

  • todo_analyzer.comment.format
    • Description: The format of the comment containing the TODO.
    • Accepted values: github, jira, custom
    • Default: github
    • Example: todo_analyzer.comment.format = github
  • todo_analyzer.comment.format.custom.token_regex
    • Description: The token used to identify if the comment is a TODO when todo_analyzer.comment.format is custom.
    • Default: \bTODO\b
    • Example: todo_analyzer.comment.format.custom.token = ใ‚„ใ‚‹ในใใ“ใจ
    • Note: This is a regular expression.
  • todo_analyzer.comment.format.custom.regex
    • Description: The regular expression used to check if the comment match the expected criteria when todo_analyzer.comment.format is custom.
    • Default: ^ TODO .*$
    • Example: todo_analyzer.comment.format.custom.regex = ^ TODO \[MY-PROJECT\] [\d+] .+\.$

Default formats

  • github (Default) : ^ TODO \[\#[0-9]+\] .*\.$
    • Example: TODO [#33] This needs to be handled.
  • jira: ^ TODO \[[a-zA-Z0-9]+\-[0-9]+\] .*\.$
    • Example: TODO [COMMON-1234] This needs to be handled.